the next pictures are of the stupid model things I have to draw in my drawing class... you would think that they would pick something that maybe people would enjoy drawing instead of trying to push them away from the art world with dull assignments like these. alas i go on, and truely dislike my class... anyways I guess I will attempt to describe why I have not posted in such a long time.... my camera was dead and Tyler has instilled in me a deep fear of blogging without pics.
so the last couple weeks at our house have been really busy, with Chris's moms wedding and then spring break having fun everyday... it gets tiring:) we whent camping a little to prematurely with only a sleeping bag for each of us. and it was freezing... I didnt sleep. oh and I didnt get my wisdom teeth out.

you silly girl.... but i do agree with you on the lame drawing objects. i mean who would want to draw a duck and a mushroom and dumb things like that over and over. they should at least get things that are interesting to the eye. makes both parties (the one drawing and the one veiwing) be attracted to it more!
you silly girl.... but i do agree with you on the lame drawing objects. i mean who would want to draw a duck and a mushroom and dumb things like that over and over. they should at least get things that are interesting to the eye. makes both parties (the one drawing and the one veiwing) be attracted to it more!
It looks like you are just puffing your cheeks out. Congrats on the new teeth outages pretty rad stuff.
Well I first come to wonder why mckensi posted the same comment to your post 3 times.... then I came to wonder if I should post this comment 3 times.... ok not really. But anyways I'm agreeing with kens on this one... your little setup that you have to draw... yeah it looks like a horrible 70's center piece unleashed.... maybe not that bad but you know what I mean.. Miss ya jess!
Phew I was really worried about those puffy cheeks! :) The art project makes me laugh, it reminds me of a wedding reception center piece from a few years back.
I officially believe you've been cheated...no person should go through such torment just to better themselves at the art they've always loved...am I speaking from experience? Maybe. Anyway, didn't know you were still in school? Watcha studyin?
You turkey! Have you had you wisdom teeth out yet?
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